Corporate governance
Acting with integrity and living the right behaviors is critical to fulfilling our role as a good corporate citizen in the communities we operate in and supporting their healthy development. Integrity is therefore one of the core values we have defined as a building block for our corporate culture that describes who we are, what we do and how we behave.
Holcim strives to create an environment where honesty and accountability flourish and compliance is a central focus. Using common sense and good judgment together with our Code and Holcim policies and directives will usually be sufficient to ensure business is conducted with integrity.
The Code of Business Conduct ensures that all directors, officers and employees share Holcim's commitment to conducting business with integrity, and provides guidance on how to put this commitment into practice. It also helps to ensure that we are adhering to the laws and regulations in the countries in which we operate.
Anti-bribery and anti-corruption
bribes. Third parties acting on behalf of Holcim must therefore never give or receive bribes.
The term “third parties” can include consultants, subcontractors, franchisees, sales agents, resellers, customs brokers, accounting or law firms, or companies that provide assistance with obtaining visas, permits, or inspection certificates,
and joint venture partners. Regardless of the type of third party, it is critical that all third parties who conduct business or provide services for or on behalf of Holcim are selected and engaged in compliance with the Holcim Third Party Due Diligence Guidance or, once effective in your Group company, the Third
Party Due Diligence Directive.